
10 Expert Strategies for Tiktok Marketing Success in 2024

In this fast-paced digital age, TikTok has emerged as a powerhouse platform, captivating millions with its addictive short-form content. As businesses navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing, mastering TikTok has become increasingly crucial. In 2024, the competition for attention on TikTok is fiercer than ever, with users constantly seeking fresh trends and engaging content. To thrive in this dynamic environment, brands must arm themselves with a diverse arsenal of strategies tailored to capture the fleeting attention spans of today's consumers. In this article, we will explore ten expert strategies designed to empower businesses to conquer TikTok marketing in 2024 and beyond.


1. Crafting Captivating Hooks

Capturing the fleeting attention of TikTok users requires swift and captivating hooks. Whether it's posing thought-provoking questions, showcasing compelling visuals, or making bold statements, the initial seconds of your video are crucial for engagement. For instance, Fenty Beauty excels in using stunning visuals and custom sounds to hook their audience swiftly. By incorporating these elements, they garnered almost 30k views in just a week for one of their videos. Crafting a hook that resonates with your target audience's interests and emotions is key to driving engagement and maximizing the reach of your content.

2. Riding the Trend Wave

Staying abreast of the latest trends is paramount in TikTok marketing. Leveraging memes, monitoring industry trends, and participating in hashtag challenges like #ShopBlack can catapult your content into the limelight. GymShark, for example, garnered over 160k views within a week by creating content based on trending memes. By aligning your content with what's currently popular and relevant, you can effectively capture the attention of your audience and stay ahead of the competition. Keeping a finger on the pulse of TikTok trends allows brands to remain culturally relevant and maintain a strong presence within the platform's vibrant community.

3. Harnessing the Power of Music

Music is the heartbeat of TikTok. Integrating catchy tunes into your content can significantly enhance engagement, with 73% of users stating they stop for ads with the right audio. Creating custom sounds or riding the wave of trending tracks can amplify your reach. Sony Music Ireland, for instance, utilized a celebrity appearance in their video to attract extra views, leveraging the popularity of both the song and the personality. By selecting sounds that resonate with your target audience and adding your unique flair, you can make your content stand out amidst the noise of the platform.

4. Understanding Your Niche

Tailoring your content to resonate with your target audience is essential. Conducting thorough research to discern their preferences, pain points, and behaviors empowers you to curate content that resonates deeply with them. Lad Bible, for example, understands its younger audience's penchant for humor and playful content, resulting in a diverse array of engaging videos. By catering to the specific interests and preferences of your niche, you can foster stronger connections with your audience and drive higher levels of engagement. Understanding the intricacies of your target market allows you to craft content that speaks directly to their needs and desires, fostering loyalty and brand affinity.

5. Collaborating with Creators

Embracing the creator economy on TikTok can yield remarkable results. Partnering with influencers for reviews, collaborations, or product promotions can amplify your brand's reach and credibility within the platform's vibrant community. GAP, for instance, shared content from influencer @YoungBlackDad to tap into his substantial following and enhance brand visibility. By leveraging the creativity and influence of content creators, brands can effectively expand their reach and connect with new audiences in authentic ways. Collaborating with influencers enables brands to tap into existing communities and leverage the trust and credibility they've built with their followers.

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6. Embracing Authenticity over Corporate Stiffness

TikTok thrives on authenticity and entertainment. Brands like Duolingo have soared by infusing their content with humor and personality, resonating with audiences on a human level rather than adopting a rigid corporate persona. Duolingo's approach of giving their mascot a fun and quirky personality has endeared them to millions of followers. By showcasing the human side of your brand and embracing authenticity, you can forge deeper connections with your audience and foster genuine engagement. Embracing a more relaxed and authentic tone allows brands to resonate with TikTok's predominantly youthful audience and cultivate a sense of relatability and affinity.

7. Geotargeting for Personalization

Tailoring your content to specific geographical regions can enhance relevance and resonance. Whether showcasing different locales or leveraging location-based hashtags, geotargeting enables personalized engagement on a global scale. Lays, for example, maintains separate TikTok channels for different countries, each tailored to the preferences and interests of its local audience. By catering to the unique cultural nuances and preferences of different regions, brands can foster a deeper connection with their audience and drive higher levels of engagement. Geotargeting allows brands to deliver content that feels more relevant and relatable to their audience, enhancing the overall user experience and driving stronger results.

8. Fostering Community Engagement

Encouraging interaction through comments is vital for TikTok success. Asking questions, soliciting opinions, and actively responding to comments fosters a sense of community and boosts visibility within the platform's algorithm. Influencers like @erikatitus exemplify this by regularly engaging with their audience through comments, fostering a sense of connection and rapport. By actively engaging with your audience and fostering meaningful interactions, you can cultivate a loyal community of followers who are more likely to engage with and share your content. Engaging with your audience on TikTok not only boosts visibility and reach but also strengthens brand loyalty and fosters a sense of belonging within your community.

9. Maximizing Hashtag Strategy

Strategic hashtag usage can significantly impact discoverability on TikTok. Researching trending and industry-specific hashtags, as well as creating branded tags, enhances your content's visibility and engagement potential. Shopify, for instance, launched the #ShopifyDisplay hashtag to encourage user-generated content, resulting in a plethora of engaging videos from their community. By strategically incorporating relevant hashtags into your content, you can increase its discoverability and reach a broader audience. Hashtags serve as a powerful tool for connecting with like-minded users, driving engagement, and amplifying the impact of your TikTok marketing efforts.

10. Analyzing and Iterating for Optimal Results

Constantly monitoring and analyzing TikTok analytics empowers you to refine your content strategy iteratively. Experimenting with different video styles, posting times, and tracking viewer habits enables data-driven optimization for maximum impact. By leveraging TikTok's analytics tools, brands can gain valuable insights into their audience's preferences, behaviors, and demographics. Analyzing which content performs best allows brands to refine their approach and tailor future content to better resonate with their audience. By continuously iterating and optimizing their TikTok marketing strategy, brands can stay ahead of the curve and drive sustained success on the platform.

In the ever-evolving landscape of TikTok marketing, mastering these ten strategies is paramount for success in 2024. By staying attuned to trends, harnessing creativity, and fostering authentic engagement, brands can leverage TikTok's immense potential to captivate audiences and drive impactful results. With Touchsuite's expertise, brands can elevate their business transactions and unlock new avenues for growth and engagement.


  • Jonathan Bomser

    Writing for Touchsuite, Jonathan Bomser, is a technology and marketing expert with over 30 years of industry experience. He is a businessman, writer, artist and musician. He has vast knowledge of finance, business and technology. Jonathan is currently founding, investing and board advising in several early stage and start up companies. Jonathan has been involved in Technology, Media, Marketing and Advertising for a multitude of Fortune 500 companies for over 30 years.He has served as a strategic, creative and marketing executive and consultant for both parent companies and subsidiaries at AOL, The National Football League, The Walt Disney Company, NBC, MTV, Viacom, Time Warner, USA Today, Alliance Entertainment, WPP, Penguin USA, along with numerous other established companies, start-up ventures and reorganizations.Jonathan was the CEO and Founder of BigLinker.com, which was acquired by Ziff Davis (Nasdaq: ZD) in 2021, CEO and Founder of TownTarget.com from 2013-2015 which was acquired by Touchsuite/American Bancard in 2015 and previously Bomser Payan Interactive Agency from 2008-2012 which was acquired by Big Step Interactive/Digital Marketing Associates. Jonathan was the key developer for the technology used to power many of their successful digital campaigns. Clients included national brands such as Adidas, PNC Bank, Massage Envy, European Wax Center and others.Jonathan has also helped manage the technology initiatives, creative strategies and business development for AIM Pages.com, AOL’s Social Network. Since May 2006, Jonathan has also been consulting for technology, marketing, sales and creative strategies for Veoh.com, BigString.com, Vuguru.com and others. Before consulting for these major companies, Jonathan was a principal in En Pea Productions,Inc. which was a television production company focused on reality television, commercials and music videos. Jonathan is also the former Board Member, CEO and President of WoozyFly.Inc. Trading on under the symbol WZFY.Jonathan's current projects at AccountSend.com, VocalChimp.com and CoolValidator.com

    Touchsuite is located in Boca Raton, FL and is a payment processing and point of sale company that specializes in merchant accounts, point of sale systems, Grubbrr self-ordering kiosks.